NBA: Unvaccinated Irving back – and straight on the Corona list – NBA – basketball

The NBA’s so-called Covid list includes players who have infected themselves with the corona virus or who have had close contact with such a person. No further information has yet been published by the NBA or the Nets. Nets star Kevin Durant also had to beat the Nets before the game Orlando Magic on the list on Saturday.

In October, the Nets had announced that Irving would not be back in the squad until he was ready for action without restrictions, which in practice would only have been possible through a vaccination against the corona virus. Now he should play again – at least where he is allowed to.

Home games not unvaccinated not possible, neither are some away games

As a professional who has not been vaccinated against the coronavirus, Irving will not be involved in any home games of the Nets or games at city rivals due to regulations in New York New York Knicks tHurry, even in Toronto, Canada, for example, Irving is not possible. As an unvaccinated player, Irving will also have to be tested daily.

Sean Marks, general manager of the Nets, had previously declared on the change of heart. “We believe that Kyrie will not only make us better as a team, but will also allow us to optimally balance the stresses of our players”, it said in a message from the team. The decision was made in “Considering the current circumstances” met and with the full support of teammates.

Brooklyn is the front runner Eastern Conference (21: 8 wins), but currently has to do without numerous players due to Corona problems.

Stand: 18.12.2021, 19:30


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