More than 350 athletes participate this weekend in the IV Stage of Judo

More than 350 Spanish and European athletes participate this weekend in the IV Stage of Judo de Suances, which starts this Friday and will be held until Sunday in the municipal pavilion of the town.

The master classes will be given by Nikiloz Sherazadishvili, the best Spanish judoka in history

The master classes will be given by Nikiloz Sherazadishvili, the best Spanish judoka in history, who has managed to win two World Champion titles. The technical picture is completed with Ana Pérez (World runner-up in Budapest 2021, Olympic in Tokyo and one of the best judokas in Spain) and Fran Garrigós (Stage organizer who has numerous titles in his record, among the most recent, the European Championship and bronze in the World Cup in 2021).

The days will comply with all the sanitary measures established to try to guarantee the maximum possible safety at all times (including the use of the mask during training).

The event is organized by the Suances Judo Club, in collaboration with the City Council, the Vice Presidency of the regional Government, through the General Directorate of Sports, and the Cantabrian Judo Federation.



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