Llaneros footballer hinted that there was money in the B scandal – Colombian Football – Sports

Manuel Gonzalez, 31 years old and player of Llaneros de Villavicencio, dedicated an extensive letter to the scandal in which his team is involved in the rise of the Union Magdalena, a dubious 1-2 loss.

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“I am hurt, sad, frustrated, outraged by all this as are all of you fans and llanera people, because with my heart in hand and my conscience clear I HAVE NOT RECEIVED A WEIGHT and I WILL NOT RECEIVE OR ACCEPT A WEIGHT (if it is that There is) because of what happened yesterday, I am a footballer but before I am, I am a person who tries to be integral and correct, and I DO NOT SELL MY PRINCIPLES AND MY VALUES, “González wrote in a message posted on his Facebook and Instagram.

Regardless of the consequences

González also assured that he does not care if because of his message he would have to leave the institution: “if by saying this in my networks I have to resign and go llaneros, no matter how much love I have for my team, no matter how passionate I feel for this shirt, then I’d rather take a step to the side. “

The footballer did not point to anyone or speak of specific events, but he did imply that there is something hidden in everything that happened: “I did not come to say what happened, but sooner or later everything comes to light, I did not come to point out to anyone I just came to try to make the plains people understand that they are heartbroken believing that we were all cut with the same scissors and tell them that it is not like that. ”

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“I did not sell myself and I will never sell myself. The root of all evil is the love of money,” concludes the message from the Villavicencio team player.




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