Inés Sainz reveals NFL punishment for Inés Gómez Mont

“We agreed twice, we played football in the Super Bowl, she was invited by those from shows, someone who has nothing to do with sports always goes to do something, a note of color although it suits us, sometimes ridiculous and sometimes not. The fact is that she had to go that time, he sent her Paty chapoy“Sainz said.

Inés recalled that in that year the color note was that Gómez-Mont dressed as a bride and arrived at the press conference to declare her love for Brady, which caused the NFL to make a very strong decision and apply a sanction to the television station regarding the accreditations it gave them for coverage.

“He went and did this (the joke) of Brady’s girlfriend, which was a scandal and they took 10 accreditations from us for making that ridiculous that time, for that video to TV Azteca of the Super Bowl they told him ‘if you are going to come bring these ridiculous please do not bring more people ‘, from being 15 we were lowered to 5 accreditations for misusing them, “lamented Sainz.

On this occasion Inés was also able to clarify that there was no fight between her and Gómez-Mont, the time they were playing American football and she “sent her flying” due to a tackle, at that time it was rumored that she had taken the opportunity because of her bad relationship to get even, but she denied it.



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