“Do basketball federations really promote gender equality?”

After years of fighting for men and women to be considered equal, the Spanish and Catalan basketball federations claim to promote gender equality in the sport. However, when you consult the arbitration fees published on their web pages, you discover the crude reality.

And it is that the arbitration group receives a different economic compensation depending on the matches male or female. Furthermore, this difference is almost double, since the referees receive 92.20 euros for a match of the Men’s Catalunya Cup, while for one feminine, 50.25. And I wonder what about different to whistle a game of basketball players or basketball players? Doesn’t it last the same minutes, with the same number of players and the same rules?

This, the only thing that encourages is that on the part of the arbitration group it is received with bad face that they assign them women’s matches (normal, they charge almost half), and thus generate an infinite wheel, which not only does not fight for equality, but continues to aggravate the inequality.

And the same happens with the Spanish Federation, where for a match of the Endesa Women’s League (first competition at the state level) the referee receives 260 euros, while for one of the Spanish Golden Basketball League (second competition at the state level) he receives 455 euros. And we are not even talking about the ACB, but that the men’s second league it is paid almost twice as much as the first female. Is a reality.

So, if you really want to promote the women’s sport, why not match financial compensation for women’s competitions? Do they have less importance? Federations, institutions: if you do not plan to make an effort to promote gender equality, at least, do not put the medal thus.



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