Wuning County implements the “double reduction” policy to do a good job of quality education “addition”

Wuning County implements the “double reduction” policy to do a good job of quality education “addition”

Source: China Jiujiang Net

Release Date: 2021-11-17 08:39

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Write homework in the classroom, develop interest in the club, study and practice with the teacher. Since the beginning of this fall, Wuning County has implemented the “double reduction” policy to improve the school’s after-school service level, meet the diverse needs of students, and strive to do a good job of quality education “addition” “.

At Qingjiang School in Wuning County, various after-school interest classes organized by the school, such as basketball, football, table tennis, badminton, track and field, dance, calligraphy, and fine arts, have carried out standardized training under the guidance of teachers. 100% of the students in the school participated in the interest classes according to their personal hobbies and specialties.

[Jiang Yeyang, a student from Qingjiang School in Wuning County]: Because I like basketball, I enrolled in the school basketball class. Here I can learn about basketball with my teacher.

[Xu Xinyi, a student from Qingjiang School in Wuning County]: Our school opened this interest class, which strengthened our physical fitness, improved our skills, and enriched our extracurricular life.

In the process of interest teaching, teachers participate in after-school services, and children can learn their favorite interest courses without leaving school, cultivate interest expertise and improve overall quality.

[Li Huijuan, teacher of Qingjiang School in Wuning County]: In the interest class, students can exercise various skills and improve their concentration ability. Parents don’t need to apply for training classes outside of school for the students’ expertise. It relieves the pressure of parents to train students.

[Meng Nannan, vice principal of Qingjiang School in Wuning County]Our school closely follows the national double reduction policy, uses an after-school service platform, and takes the students’ acceptance and hobbies as the starting point, makes full use of school resources, breaks class boundaries, and forms colorful interest groups , We have opened various interest classes in sports, dance, calligraphy, art, etc., to improve students’ comprehensive quality, ensure the healthy growth of students, and make the double reduction policy truly implemented in our school.

In order to fully implement the national “double reduction” policy and cultivate students’ comprehensive development of morality, intelligence, physical beauty, Wuning County Shidu Township Customs Committee made full use of the children’s service center to organize students to carry out interest group activities to provide students with a sense of relief. An entertainment, teaching and learning environment that promotes feelings and cultivates temperament.

[Mei Rongrong, teacher of Shidu School in Wuning County]: We must implement comprehensive quality education to train students for all-round development. From the perspective of education, the purpose of aesthetic education is to cultivate people’s feelings, cultivate people’s noble interest and positive attitude towards life , I hope all children can learn and grow up happily, and gain something from this activity.

The “double reduction” policy, which focuses on reducing the burden of students’ homework and off-campus training during the compulsory education stage, has been fully implemented in Wuning County, and primary and secondary schools have also used after-school services as a good opportunity to develop quality and promote education. The reform of the method provides a strong guarantee for the healthy growth of students’ body and mind. (Jiang Dexian, Qian Xuezhen)

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