VIDEO⟩ Girgenson fails to save Sabers from losing against Blue Jackets – Hockey – – Sports

The Buffalo Sabers team conceded to the Blue Jackets 4: 7 (2: 2, 2: 3, 0: 2) on their field.

In the last second of the first period, Girgenson made a 2: 2 majority in the majority, taking the second match in a row at the point of performance.

This time, Merzlik remained on the bench of the Blue Jackets, with Jonas Korpisalo in the guest goal. The Finnish goalkeeper blocked 29 of 33 shots on his goal.

The winners of two goals were Jack Roslovik and Vladimir Gavrikov, while Oliver Bjorkstrand, Max Domi and Sean Kurali were occasional winners. Meanwhile, two goals have been scored for Taj Thompson and one for Dilan Kozens.

It should be noted that at the end of the third period, the visitors scored the last two goals in the “Sabers” goal.

Girgenson spent 17 minutes and 32 seconds on Monday in the match, two minutes and 19 seconds in the minority and one minute and 35 seconds in the majority. The Latvian striker threw twice into the goal, used one method of force, blocked one of the opponents’ throws, won seven of the 16 throws and closed the match with a negative efficiency of -2.

Girgenson has excelled in 18 matches this season with four goals and five assists.

In the NHL Western Conference standings, Sabers is in 13th place in 16 matches with 16 points, while Blue Jackets are in seventh place with 16 points in 16 games.



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