Tony Yoka will face Carlos Takam

Frenchman Tony Yoka. FRANCK FIFE AFP

Heavyweight Tony Yoka will face veteran Carlos Takam on January 15 at Bercy. A Franco-French shock that will be the biggest challenge in the professional career of the 2016 Olympic champion. ” Carlos is the world top level Yoka says to The team. « Boxer Takam in Bercy, it’s exciting, it’s a big step for me I tell myself that, if all goes well, then I can legitimately face guys from the top 10. Carlos is a world reference “. 40-year-old Carlos Takam is a very experienced boxer (39 wins, 6 losses, 1 draw). The native of Douala, based in the United States, had notably resisted well in 2017 to the Englishman Anthony Joshua, at the time WBA and IBF heavyweight champion, and was only defeated in the 10th round when he had only ten days to prepare. He remains on a defeat against the Englishman Joe Joyce (by stop of the referee on the 6th round, on July 24), the unfortunate opponent of Yoka in the final of the Rio Olympics and one of the great hopes of the category Queen. “ I think I’ve come to a point where at 29 in my head I’m ready to box anyone », Explains Yoka.

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