The three Racing de Gago players who did not reach their ideal weight

The professional team of Racing works piecemeal to quickly adapt to the rigorous guidelines that Fernando Gago intends for the group. Specifically, as RDA already said, the coach is obsessive and meticulous about the weight of his players. For this reason, they go through the scale every day, with the aim that the body mass index is the ideal for what each footballer needs. And according to what the nutritionist has been analyzing, there are only three players who need to lose a few pounds to be 100% of their physical condition.

Gago is very happy for the enormous effort that footballers have been making to get in tune and constantly encourages them to reach their ideal weight. In this sense, Leonel Miranda, Enzo Copetti and Chila Gómez are the ones who still have to lose weight to be in the way that the coaching staff demands.

They have been doing a very good job showing commitment to the DT and are getting closer to achieving it.. Far from taking it as a requirement, they know that it is a necessary issue to continue moving forward with a project that has everyone very excited.

Gago and the enormous confidence about Miranda in Racing

Leonel Miranda can be key in Racing de Gago

Despite the fact that he still did not reach the ideal balance, Leonel Miranda is one of the players that Gago has the most confidence in Racing. In fact, in Tucumán he already gave him minutes for the first time and it is very likely that he will continue filming in the next commitments. Pintita knows that if she manages to find the best level of Lolo, the Academy will have an element of great voracity when it comes to recovering the ball and great precision in distributing it. A footballer who lowered his level enormously but who seems to be starting to improve his performance thanks to the brand new coach. Hopefully I get it.


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