“Spread” at the bar after the ambush: 8 risk the trial

The investigations for those responsible for the ‘spread’ of the night before August 15th in Castel Volturno in 2019 against the children of the Ras of the Casalesi clan closed Ciro Taurino, alias Ciruzz ‘and Pescopagano, that is Alessio e Salvatore Taurino as well as of Antonio Alfano ‘friend’ of the Taurino family.

The Public Prosecutor Graziella Arlomede of the Naples Anti-Mafia District Directorate has closed the preliminary investigations and is preparing to ask for indictment for Luigi D’Antonio, Assunta Castellano, Teresa Venosa, Lorenzo Esposito De Rosa, Andrea Rosario Guide, Francesco Iorio, Felice Marfella, Giorgio Monaco accused in various ways of attempted murder, illegal possession and carrying of weapons, aggravated extortion.

According to the reconstruction of the Neapolitan magistrates, the suspects, each with their own contribution, would have contributed to the ambush with specific homicidal intentions against the designated victims. In fact, on the night of 13 August 2019 in Castel Volturno in via Consortile near the intersection with via Volturno aboard scooters and motorcycles including a Honda SR the assault group headed with baseball bats and firearms towards the Fiat Panda on which the intended victims traveled. First they barred the car, positioning themselves in front and in the back, starting to hit the car with baseball bats, managing to break through the windows of the car and then taking up two rifles modified for this purpose, exploding various shots from firearms.

The shots fired in the direction of Alessio and Salvatore Taurino as well as Antonio Alfano caused the rear window to break through with holes at height of man. The front passenger suffered an injury to his arm, the driver and the rear passenger were not drawn because thanks to their quick reflexes they saved themselves. After the ‘spread’ at the Attila Bar, the group exploded shots in the air as a celebration for the mission accomplished. The investigations launched by the Mobile Squad of the Caserta Police Headquarters, as well as identifying the perpetrators of the homicidal purpose, thanks to the aid of environmental and telephone interceptions, revealed the reasons and the ‘price’ to guarantee the silence of the participants.

The reasons lay in a struggle for the supremacy of the territory aimed at controlling the dealing squares in the Castellano territory. The silence was guaranteed by a series of extortion crimes committed by Luigi D’Antonio, his mother Assunta Castellano and by the then fiancée Teresa Venosa – nephew of the collaborator of justice Salvatore Venosa – against the accomplices.

And if the extortion methods to the participants served as a guarantee of silence, the order of a beating in prison against Ciruzz ‘and Pescopagan’ from Luigi D’Antonio served to strengthen his role as new chieftain in pure ‘paranza dei children of proven criminal gangs. The lawyers Enrico Capone, Rocco Maria Spina, Paolo Caterino, Mirella Baldascino are engaged among others in the defense board.



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