Exam 2021 – Turnclub Hameln eV

24.11.2021Also this year we wanted to enable some of our judoka to prove their skills in a belt test.

Traditionally, we have belt exams once or twice a year. For weeks and months some judoka had been training busily for their belt exam, which was scheduled for December. But since our judoka were already very well prepared and we actually knew that they had mastered all the techniques and we had a bad feeling due to the increasing corona numbers, we unceremoniously moved the exam forward by 3 weeks. Of course we only said that it was a dress rehearsal and so Janne and Lukas were allowed to show their techniques first. We paid special attention to the kata, a precisely defined sequence of movements. Despite the long corona breaks, the two showed that they are a well-rehearsed team and that they harmonize well with each other. The two of them also showed the rest of the throws, levers and application tasks without any problems. Then it was Hannah’s turn. Hannah’s exam was special in that she is one of our handicapped judoka and had to show an exam program specially adapted for her. But of course she showed all her techniques with flying colors. To the good last it was our little ones’ turn. Merle and Paul demonstrated the techniques for the yellow and yellow-orange belt. With Paul you could tell that an official exam situation would have done him good for concentration. But even in this way he was able to convince the examiners of his performance. At the end, our five test subjects were asked what they did today. None of them had the faintest idea that they had just passed their exams. When our head coach announced the surprise and all candidates had passed, the joy was of course huge. Congratulations to everyone, passing the exam is the deserved reward for coming back to training 2-3 times a week after long breaks and learning your techniques there with a lot of ambition.


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