PSG: Henry judges the problem of Pochettino

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Jostled by Manchester City, Paris Saint-Germain logically lost (1-2) Wednesday in the Champions League. Also a consultant for CBS Sports, Thierry Henry analyzed the problems encountered by the Parisian coach Mauricio Pochettino, highlighting a lack of balance within his team.

“If you want to win the Champions League, you can’t defend with 7 players. It’s impossible, I don’t care who you are. The full-backs are exposed, so it’s practically a 3-on-1, or 3-on. 2 on the pitch The team that wins titles – and even more so the Champions League – have their three attackers facing the ball, so the full-backs will feel more comfortable with what is going on behind them. But at the moment they are too exposed to PSG. The teams in France cannot expose them, but Manchester City can. Pochettino is sometimes not allowed to be Pochettino with this team. How do you take out Messi, Mbappé or Neymar from the field? He therefore put Di Maria in the middle, but he was exposed and did not help, “analyzed the French world champion.

Read 6.782 times – by Damien Da Silva on 11/25/2021 at 10:01 am


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