Nine golds for Asturias in the National Veterans

Asturian shooters achieved nine first places in the Spanish Veteran Sports Weapons Championship, held at the Club Principado de Oviedo shooting range facilities. Especially prominent was the role of Florentino Magaz, senior veteran, who achieved four golds: in standard air pistol and standard pistol (ahead of Carlos Solís and Carlos Borrás), center fire pistol (defeating Mario León López and Ernesto Franquet) and 9 mm pistol (surpassing Solís already Carlos Borrás).

The veteran standard Joaquín Meana did not lag behind, who climbed to the top drawer of the podium three times. In standard air pistol and standard pistol he had as more complicated rivals the Asturian Pepe Rubiera and the Galician José Manuel Álvarez; While in a 9-millimeter pistol he beat his countrymen Miguel Francés and Francisco Javier Ares in scoring.

For his part, Miguel Francés took the first position in the veteran master category airspeed pistol, in which he beat the Galician José Manuel Álvarez and the aforementioned Joaquín Meana. Pepe Rubiera also had his moment of glory, beating Joaquín Meana and Valencian Valerio Grilli in the centerfire pistol mode.

By teams, the Principality was second in speed air pistol, first in standard air pistol and third in both standard pistol and center fire pistol and 9 mm pistol.

In the classifications of the federation category, the different Asturian teams were third in speed air pistol, first and second in standard air pistol, first in standard pistol, first and third in central fire pistol and third in 9 mm pistol.



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