Melvyn Jaminet, choir director

The back of Perpignan (22 years old), formidable butting machine, has asserted himself this season as the number 1 back of the Blues. In just six selections.

A faultless. An immaculate copy. Melvyn Jaminet, the gunner of the Blues, was again decisive against the All Blacks, achieving an impeccable 8/8 against the poles: four penalties, four conversions, including two kicks well in the corner. Impressive kicking machine (20 points Saturday night). This fall, the Perpignan rear only missed … two attempts, one against Argentina, another against Georgia! He ended the tour with an incredible record of 19 successful kicks from 21 attempts. If we add to this the Habs tour this summer in Australia, his record is quite simply impressive: 41/45, or 91% success! Look no further, no other major nation goalscorer has done better.

Afterwards, the original Varois – elected at the end of September best player of Pro D2 and revelation of last season – savored his happiness. “It’s really a game where everyone was 200% in the preparation, he confides. We come in, the stadium is full, the atmosphere is incredible. We can only be in the game when we are in a stadium like that. See the haka, win this match, with the manner … “

In the game, Melvyn Jaminet also distinguished himself. Solid in the air and full throttle revivals. Not impressed for a second. He is even relaying Romain Ntamack on this incredible recovery (62nd), from his own goal, which will undoubtedly remain in the annals of rugby. And to tell: “On Romain’s recovery, there was a dangerous kick, he got out of an incredible situation, I told myself to give everything to follow him, he gave me a magnificent pass. There, when we arrive like that, we have to let go of the horses, I give to “Toto” (Dupont) inside, I don’t know if it’s the right choice, maybe I should have stomped, but the action is important in this match. ”

He feels good about himself and is well surrounded by those who have a little more bottle. Little by little, he finds his place in this team. He is uninhibited, at ease in this team

Fabien Galthie

At each outing in the blue jersey, Jaminet amazes, confirms, asserts himself. A disconcerting composure and an efficiency almost never lacking. There was this big mistake against Australia this summer (an uncertain pass leading to the Australian victory), but it did not disturb him. At 22, and after only six selections, the back of the Usap has already hung on his record: the Wallabies and the All Blacks. “The notion of pleasure takes on its full meaning, everyone took it I think”, he said after the tour de force against New Zealand.

Fabien Galthié, who preferred him in November to Rochelais Brice Dulin, has always defended his “UFO” who was still evolving in Pro D2 five months ago, who had never played a Top 14 or Cup match. Europe before flying to Australia to honor its first selections. “Melvyn is good about herself and well surrounded by those who have a little more bottle. Little by little, he finds his place in this team. He observed a lot, he understood. And he made a very high level copy. He is uninhibited, at ease in this team. ”

Unknown to the general public before the summer tour, Melvyn Jaminet is now one of the headliners of this “new-look” XV of France which has put French rugby back on the world map. At the start of the season, he told us: “I try to put it all into perspective. Everything that happens to me, I take it, it gives me great pleasure. And when it’s over, I try to move on. I remain focused on my goals at the start of the season, both collective and personal. ”

“All the teams that will now face us will be at 200%. It’s up to us to be ready for this challenge in two years at the World Cup

Melvyn Jaminet

Talent, freshness and carelessness. Like these Blues who did not even tremble at the hour mark when the All Blacks glued to two points (27-25). “I don’t think we doubted but it’s true that we all make small mistakes at the start of the second period, he emphasizes. Me the first with a penaltouche that I must ensure but that I can not find. But we manage to stay calm and we end well. “

With this coup against Sam Whitelock and his teammates, the Habs sent a strong message two years before the World Cup. The rest of the oval planet is warned, the awakening of the XV of France was not a flash in the pan. “All the teams that will now face us will be at 200%, he advances, aware of France’s new status. It’s up to us to be ready for this challenge in two years at the World Cup. ” The young bluesome still has time to harden up and gain confidence. But this success against the All Blacks is one that marks a group under construction.



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