Juve: the Vlahovic case is complicated …

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In order to improve their attacking sector, Juventus Turin have targeted Fiorentina striker Dusan Vlahovic (21 years old, 12 games and 8 goals in Serie A this season), for the next winter transfer window. But the Old Lady will encounter difficulties in this matter, according to the Italian press.

On the one hand, because the president of Viola, Rocco Commisso, does not intend to let go of his striker before next summer; on the other hand, the manager favors a sale to a foreign club so as not to reinforce an Italian formation. This is what suits the affairs of Tottenham, Liverpool, Arsenal and Atletico Madrid, all seduced by the good performances of the Serbian international, under contract until 2023.

Read 1.013 times – by Romain Rigaux on 11/09/2021 at 5:40 p.m.


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