Jan-Lennard Struff on the Peng Shuai case: “That’s crazy”

The case of the missing tennis player from China continues to cause a stir – even among professional colleagues. Germany’s number two, Jan-Lennard Struff, would support a tournament boycott in China.

Davis Cup player Jan-Lennard Struff would support it if the men’s organization ATP would no longer hold tennis tournaments in China due to the Peng Shuai case. A week ago, WTA boss Steve Simon threatened the complete withdrawal of the women’s tour if the leadership in Beijing took place Case of the missing player does not bring light into the darkness.

“Even as a men’s player on the ATP tour, I would have no problem if we no longer fly to China and play there,” Struff told the online portal “Spox” (Friday). “But the whole issue is extremely explosive and difficult for us to grasp,” said the 31-year-old.

Struff: “Hope that she is fine”

In early November, Peng Shuai published allegations of sexual assault by a top Chinese politician on the Weibo social network. The censors intervened immediately, deleted their mail and since then has prevented any discussion on China’s Internet.

The player was also initially not seen in public, which worried the international tennis world. A Video call with IOC President Thomas Bach sparked further discussions and criticism.

The case is also a topic in the Davis Cup team, which will play the group matches of the finals against Serbia and Austria in Innsbruck at the weekend. “That’s all madness, blatant and violent,” said Struff from the Sauerland. “As a professional tennis player, you didn’t think that was possible, but it did happen. As the German team, we naturally hope that she and she are fine safe is.”



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