Derlis González resigns from Paraguay Selection: he asked not to be called up for the Qatar 2022 Qualifiers | Qatar World Cup

The Colombian National Team no longer has a margin of error in the South American Qualifiers, in which it is in fifth position in the Conmebol table and, for now, is accessing the playoffs. This Tuesday, November 16, he must beat Paraguay and thus continue with clear chances of qualifying for the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022.

And beware, you cannot ‘resurrect a dead person’ against Paraguay, because the Guaraníes arrive at the match in Barranquilla virtually eliminated from their third consecutive World Cup. The National Team, led by Reinaldo Rueda, must get the three points and incidentally bury one of the rivals who are chasing him.

Paraguay arrives in crisis, because it has not won four games ago and has three consecutive defeats. In addition, Guillermo Barros Schelotto will only coach his second game as coach, so there is no excuse.

To make matters worse, the Paraguayan team arrives at the match on the 14th date of the South American qualifiers involved in a scandal over a player who would have resigned from the Guaraní team.

This is the attacker Derlis González, currently a Olympia player, who asked not to be called up again for the Eliminatory matches. According to information from ‘Versus Radio’ and journalist Daniel Serna.

González would have told Robert Harrison, president of the Paraguayan Football Association, that they no longer take him into account in the senior team.



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