Crime by suffocation, the strategy of the United States before El Tri

CINCINNATI – Press. Asphyxiate. To tight. Harass. And with more intelligence and concentration than with passion. This is how Tyler Adams (Leipzig, 22 years old) raises the torch as a summary strategy for the United States to victimize Mexico this Friday night.

Tyler, one of the US captains, insists that they are prepared to achieve it, although he recognizes Gerardo Martino’s ability to organize an orderly team. “That is his strength, he is very intelligent,” he says.

A war. That’s what Adams predicts to take place at TQL Stadium in Cincinnatti. He seems to go overboard, but he compares this Concacaf Classic with the bellicosity, intensity and dedication, of a European Champions League game. “They are the same sensations,” he says.

“Very intense matches, very physical, athletically and footballingly at that level,” asserts the Leipzig midfielder and one of Greg Berhalter’s fixed matches to face Mexico in the closing of the first round of the Concacaf Octagonal Final.

Tyler Adams speaks respectfully of Mexico. “It is a quality team, with players of the highest quality,” he says, but highlights the collective commitment to be respected.

For the midfielder, this Friday night’s game is the truly important one. “It was wonderful to win the Nations League and the Gold Cup, but this is the important game, at home we must win every game, and Mexico is no exception.”

Tyler Adams says the games, the final two this summer, were important. “It made us feel more clearly this rivalry and everything that is involved in these games.”

It was, that lesson, that learning, an experience acquired even through the ferocity that Mexico showed, especially in the Final of the League of Nations. For this reason, he insists, this Friday, “it will be a war, a real battle, and we want to win it.”

In addition, he has an unbeatable partner on the bridge of his selection: Weston McKennie. Juventus midfielder, speaks the same language. And both closed in an outstanding way their participation in the Champions League match in the week prior to the FIFA Date.

They will only miss Christian Pulisic. The Chelsea player will not start against Mexico, “by common sense”, he has trained four days after recovering from a two-month injury, explained United States coach Gregg Berhalter.

By the way, the same coach endorsed Adams’ feelings at Thursday’s press conference. “They are young players to develop a high level of pressure and physical intensity and with the ball,” he said, highlighting the unappealable commitment to victory.

Both coincide at different times. Both Berhalter and Tyler Adams synthesize the supreme orders for a key game, because the United States could snatch the leadership of the Concacaf Octagonal Final from Mexico.

Simple: they will not give the Mexican player time to think, to organize, to control the ball, to string together plays, or even to breathe.



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