Colin Kaepernick compares the NFL to the days of slavery in the United States

In recent years, the rag has been burning between Colin Kaepernick and the NFL.

When Kaepernick remained seated during the national anthem in protest against police brutality, he alienated a portion of the audience and, gradually, he became persona non grata in the NFL.

This was all in 2016 and since then Kaepernick has tried to convince a team to take him back by keeping in shape. But at 33, Kaepernick may have drawn the line on his aspirations. At least, that’s what you might think when you watch the documentary unveiled on Netflix a few days ago: Colin in Black and White.

Kaepernick’s Wrath

From the first images of the documentary, Kaepernick reveals to us that he wants to tell us about his story, yes, but above all to change the narrative of the current history and the relationship between the players and the teams of the NFL.

And he doesn’t wear white gloves.

In a scene that leaves no room for interpretation, Kaepernick compares the treatment of players at training camps to the slave trade in the United States.

The visual is strong and the parallel is understandable when you look at the whole thing from the outside. Kaepernick’s lack of nuance in his remarks, on the other hand, will make his message a red ball that will not go well in some spheres.

It is, moreover, the current gap that is widening. Instead of bridging the discussion Kaepernick divides even more. His allies support him even more and it is detractor even more wish to isolate him in a corner to no longer see him.


Netflix, as broadcasters, is embracing the message and it’s important to listen to it. On the other hand, it’s pretty much the end of hopes of one day seeing the former Niners quarterback in the NFL again. If a team were still intrigued behind the scenes, they will never dare to move forward during this media storm.


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