Basketball / National 1. Defeated by a diminished Andrézieux team, BesAC is not cured

BesAC – Andrézieux: 66-70

It is a missed opportunity. BesAC had a golden opportunity to catch up with the soft underbelly of the standings by welcoming a team of Andrézieux landed on the banks of the Doubs with … four major absentees including its two leaders (Rigaux and Labouize), an experienced rear (Denave) and a foreign interior (Ugba)!

But after having made a good start in the wake of Vitale-Boiteux and Valayer in particular (8-2, 4e ; 17-10, 10e ; 23-12, 15th), Besançon fell apart.

Hyenne hurt at BesAC

The address flew (21/62 or 33% in the end), the defense of Andrézieux put under the extinguisher the Doubienne attack and Preira (10 points, 12 rebounds, 3 blocks) then Njiba brought back the Ligériens in the part (28-25, 19th) before Tom Hyenne, Bisontin by birth and discreet before the break, carries his team in the lead (42-44, 27th then 49-59, 35th).

The beginning of the end for BesAC, dominated on the rebound (44-31) and without a solution against the defensive mesh of Laurent Pluvy’s troop. Foucault and his partners had beautiful approach, they were never able to come back completely in the game, losing for the ninth time in twelve days.

And three days after a victory with the manner on the floor of Pont-de-Chéruy (92-83 AP), the Bisontins are back with their doubts …

BesAC – Andrézieux: 66-70

BesAC : Vitale-Boiteux 12, Knezevic 6, Foucault 15, Valayer 13, Laporal then Redikas 16, First name 4.

Andrézieux: Hyenne 16, Diarra 16, Awich 8, Dumortier 9, Njiba 9 then Bonnave, Preira 10, Ballo 2


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