“The stadium belongs to the club, not to the delinquents”

The last few weeks have been hectic in the stadiums. Exacerbated by the disappointment of the “supporters”, the violence took place around the pitches. Almost no day goes by without one of the matches being interrupted by throwing projectiles or the intrusion of supporters on the pitch. Both abroad and in Belgian clubs, the public finds it difficult to contain their bitterness and disgust towards the players.

Tour de table of the consultants present on the set of La Tribune this Monday evening: “What about the violence in the stadiums?” The question brought out several very distinct ideas. Even if opinions differ, they have one thing in common, that of finding a solution to this violence.

Prevention in the public

Thomas Chatelle notice that “Giving fans the opportunity to influence a game by making it stop for ten minutes is not a good thing.” He thinks of prevention. Whoever is behind the Parents Fair-Play project finds the solution in the education of spectators: “Our young people see that and they say to themselves that it is the norm and mimicry is set in motion. So even if it seems naive, even if it is for the long term, we must not give up prevention. it’s difficult to advocate fair play in small amateur clubs and then to see people swinging beers during pro games on TV. “

Significant repression of offenders

“Prevention in this problem is naivety, it is not a solution. Here we are dealing with delinquents. They are professionals in the fight, in violence. The Police are too expensive, stewards they are not made for that. The solution for me it comes from the management of the clubs and the supporters themselves who have to clean their own houses. The stadium belongs to the club, not to the delinquents. Education may come to the periphery as a solution but it must be repression. “ Explain Marc Delire. According to him the solution must come from within, from groups of supporters who must protect themselves: “This is not denouncement, it is sanitation, we must not be afraid of these people.” For the consultant it is very clear, violent supporters no longer have their place in the stadiums.

Collective punishment

Philippe albert brings balance to the debate: “In some people prevention will work, but in others there is no chance, so at that point you have to take responsibility.” He adds : “The fines are not high enough, we must return to the deduction of points. There the clubs will take their responsibilities.” The question arises: “What are the authorities waiting for? Something really bad happens?”

►►► Read also : Stéphane Bréda: “Leave the stadiums to people who party and come to see football.”

►►► Read also : Pro League – Standard announces to ban from its stadium the author of the firecracker throw at the OHL goalkeeper

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