Change management: The CDU needs a coach – politics

But yes, the CDU still exists. Almost everyone looks at the traffic lights and when they switch from red to yellow to green, they want to say: when the government is at a standstill. But the Union has made up its mind to get back in there as soon as possible. It goes without saying that this will not be easy. Does the CDU understand it too?

It doesn’t always appear. The others are setting the pace, the CDU is not making any headway with the reorientation. But if you want to govern again in four years’ time, you have to start now; Every day has long counted. As if conditions and society had not changed, the CDU leadership is once again just about who wins the power struggle for party and parliamentary group leadership.

Watch, wall, wait. Like in old times. Friedrich Merz, Norbert Röttgen, Jens Spahn, Ralph Brinkhaus, Carsten Linnemann – the aspirants do not get together to openly, transparently, consensually clarify who wants what and, above all, what for.

In the modern world one would recommend a coach to the CDU who initiates the necessary “change” process. Who, through questions about self-definition and self-awareness, leads the management to fully admit the deficits in terms of content and consider who can best contribute to their solution in which place. The need of the hour is not to assert yourself brutally if necessary – rather, you have to convince applicants as well as ideas. The Union has enough rubble.

The future party leadership must be a generator of ideas and a platform for discussion for a conservatism that is worth voting for. With the help of a (re-) intellectualization, which stops the emptying of content and enables a valid determination of the position: Where does the CDU stand? With what offer? What does middle class mean today? What from the Merkel era is worth passing on? After all, a conservative party is indispensable for democracy’s parallel program of forces. The parliamentary group with the CSU, in turn, must be the common organizational center, also for a greater participation of all those with functions.

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Openness and openness: It would therefore be desirable if the party, which was led by women for 20 years and which was the Chancellor for 16 years, now also found women who are ready to stand. For high and highest offices and for the CDU, in the party and beyond.

Discourse free of domination is not what the Union rules per se. However, it must not allow itself to be dominated by politicians with excessive self-esteem and sense of mission. They only delay the way back to the federal government.


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