An American football player born with six fingers

JJ Weaver (21) is an American football player playing in the college league, the antechamber of the great NFL. The star Kentucky Wildcats linebacker had a secret he didn’t really want to divulge: he has six fingers on his right hand.

For two seasons, no one really paid attention to JJ Weaver’s hands. But in recent days, Internet users with a more piercing look than others have detailed the gloves of the defender of 109 kg.

You don’t have to be good at math to realize the anomaly. The glove on his right hand has six fingers. The young man had a good heart against bad luck and no longer hesitates to stage himself, revealing his genetic peculiarity.

Not a real advantage

The US soccer player was therefore born with his six fingers, which all work very well. “It’s good to be different,” said JJ Weaver. What made some say that this hand gives him a definite advantage in his sport. It would be more difficult to snatch the ball from him… It is not certain!

On the other hand, what is certain is that Jim Abbott’s cry came from the heart. The former baseball player simply tweeted, “It’s not fair.”

And for good reason: the New York Yankees pitcher was born with one less forearm.

(The essential / Claude-Alain Zufferey)

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