When Gobert talks about society

Emmanuel LANGELLIER, Media365: published on Saturday September 18, 2021 at 7:39 p.m.

The highest paid French sportsman in history, Rudy Gobert spoke about a serious subject: society and its vision of things.

Rudy Gobert is one of the greatest current French sportsmen. Not only by the size (2.16 m) but also by the talent and the place it has taken. The one who remains on a silver medal won with the Blues at the Tokyo Olympics is one of the names that counts in the prestigious NBA. The Frenchman has been voted best defender in the League three times over the past four years (2018, 2019, 2021) and has played the last two All Star Games. Gobert also signed a huge contract which makes him the highest paid French sportsman in history with 175 million euros over five years from this season.

Gobert: “I don’t want our grandchildren to live in a world without animals”

At 29, Rudy Gobert, who was in the same hotel as Lionel Messi when the Argentinian arrived at PSG, is on top before taking over the NBA. The great Frenchman also has his opinion on society with causes close to his heart. “Of course, injustices bother me a lot, and I would like us to move towards a better world but the human being, in his way of behaving, makes it complicated, explains Gobert in Le Parisien, Saturday. There are of course the children through my foundation and the academy. And then the environment: I have always been close to nature. When I project myself into the future, when I see the gradual disappearance of certain animals, I know that the time to act is now. I don’t want our grandchildren to live in a world without animals. “

Gobert: “I don’t want our grandchildren to live in a world without animals”

“We are all in the same boat and each one, individually, like large companies, must make the necessary efforts,” continues Rudy Gobert, who can be presented as a privileged person. “I don’t want to teach anyone a lesson, that’s not my role. I play in the NBA, I fly a lot but sport is also important in our society, he retorts. If I do things that are not right, I try to make it more important in the end that what I do right. If everyone has the same approach, in fifty or a hundred years, humanity will be happy with our actions. “” A lot of athletes understand that people want to use them and not always wisely. If I say things, young people can follow me and be inspired by me, but in the end, everyone is free to make their own choices, ”said the Utah Jazz player.


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