Uruguay Colombia Álvez: Fernando Álvez: “Colombia made a mistake with Queiroz” | Present

Fernando Álvez, Uruguayan exporter who had a stint for his national team and in Colombian football played in Santa Fe and Junior, spoke with The VBar from Snail Radio, where he referred to the actuality of the Colombia selection and the ‘Celeste. Álvez assured that Colombia made a mistake when signing Carlos Queiroz.

“I always liked it and I like the style of Colombian football, apart from having brilliant players, not to mention other times when I had to face players that were unrepeatable. As far as I’m concerned and what I think and perceive from a distance, I think Colombia made a mistake with the first coach that it brought in, now it is recovering a good path “, commented.

In this regard, he added: “you have to know the players you bring, where you are going to play, and Colombia paid that price before when it left Barranquilla to go play Bogota with the teacher Pinto”.

Of the Uruguayan news, he highlighted: “Uruguay was quite committed before the last two games they played, luckily they made the six points, more taking into account the lack of Cavani, from Suarez and in the last game of Godín that he couldn’t play. “

Knowing the position of the goal, he commented regarding the current goalkeepers of the ‘Celeste’: “with the goal of goalkeepers, coaches generally opt for safety from the point of view of being able to sleep peacefully. There are great goalkeepers. the even archer. Muslera has earned it by showing important regularity. “

While the teacher Washington Tabárez, explained: “Not everyone is a prophet in his land, he has his people in favor and his detractors. In the general balance it has been quite good, here they demand more titles. In the time he was always he qualified for the World Cups, but he only won one America Cup, in the last ones he was, he did not enter the four “.

And he concluded, assuring that his cycle at the head of the Uruguayan team is about to end: “the Master is going to end his cycle, in the event that Uruguay qualifies, in the next World Cup.”


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