UdelaR offers orientation workshops for future university students

The Teaching Support Unit (UAE) and the Communication Unit provide informative, orientation and consultation spaces for groups of high school students on the academic offerings available at the local headquarters. The objective is to provide information of interest to contribute to the decision-making of the choice of a university career in people who are close to graduating from high school. It is a space for exchange for future entrants to share their concerns regarding the University. For example, what careers are available at headquarters and in the region? What is the registration period for the year 2022? Are there support scholarships for university studies?, Among others.
The workshops also share stories from advanced students from the Salto campus, who share concrete experiences about this transition between the intermediate level and the higher level. The UAE team will communicate later to coordinate details of the Workshop. The modality (face-to-face or virtual) and the place of the workshops is subject to the current measures of the health emergency decreed by the covid-19.
From September 22 to 26, 2021, the first edition of the International Film Festival on Aging (FICE) will be held, in which short films related to the theme of aging will be screened. It will be held in person and virtually in the cities of Montevideo and Salto, at the local headquarters of the Cenur Litoral Norte of the University of the Republic. During the event, in addition to the screening of sixty-six short films in official selection, feature films will be screened and activities such as training workshops and conferences will be held. The official selection will be evaluated by a specialized jury, which will award the Ida award to the best shorts by category (fiction, documentary, animation and experimental). The themes of the short films are varied and range from the portrait of historical memory to reflections on the passage of time, sexuality or the recognition of the rights of the elderly.


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