Rolón, Varela and the fight for Boca 5: what the statistics say

While the former Huracán seems to be first in the consideration of Battaglia, the one that emerged in the lower Xeneize is the favorite of the fans. But what do the numbers say?

Esteban Rolón or Alan Varela. With a Jorman Campuzano with little activity in the last time, and a little more delayed in the consideration, those two names are the ones that They are currently fighting for the position of central midfielder in Boca.

Sebastián Battaglia, as well as Miguel Ángel Russo at the time, seems to have the former Huracán, with more experience and with a more positional role, as the first option to be number five on the team. However, the one that emerged in the lower team of the club, characterized by his good passing, looms as the favorite of the fans. But… What do the statistics say?

Rolón, Varela and the fight for Boca 5: what the statistics say

Beyond the fact that Rolón’s defensive contribution would be the reason that puts him above Varela since his arrival in Boca, the numbers published by Sudanalytics show that, regarding the ball recovery, the difference is minimal. In fact, to the surprise of many, the 20-year-old takes a slight light advantage.

Since he debuted with the blue and gold jersey, Varela recovers an average of 9.70 balls every 90 minutes, while Rolón 9.33 (not counting the meeting with Racing). In other words, there is practically parity in this regard.

On the other hand, in the facet of the game in which the one born in Isidro Casanova 20 years ago is weighted, the statistics support what is seen on the court: averages 7.27 passes to the last third of the field every 90 ‘, and the former Argentines 3.17. At that point, from the numbers, is where a noticeable distance between the two can be observed.

In detail: Rolón’s match against Patronato vs. that of Varela before Platense

Deepening the analysis and taking as a sample two games in which both were headlines, although the statistics (given by SofaScore) do not show much disparity in general terms, the superiority of the youth continues to be in the delivery of the ball (how and to where).

Against Patronato, Rolón tried to make 47 passes and did so with an effectiveness of 77%. In addition, he sought to launch three long balls, and none of them managed to reach a Boca player. In another order, he reached a punt, two interceptions, won 3 of 7 games played and lost possession 14 times.


In the case of Varela against Platense, the only party in which he started during the incipient was Battaglia, the numbers indicate that he gave 55 passes, reaching a good port in 88.7% of the cases. Regarding the long shipments, made four and made three. He also got two punts, an interception, won 5 of 11 games and gave up possession 10 times.


Fotos: Getty Images

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