NBA News: League revises replay rules

The NBA has adjusted the replay rules in the last two minutes of a game, in the coming season “out-of-bounds” violations will have to be contested by coach’s challenge. In the past, the replay was initiated by the referees in the appropriate situations.

The corresponding rule change was confirmed by the Board of Governors, as the league announced on Wednesday. Initially, the replay rule should only be used on a trial basis for one season.

According to the NBA, the aim of the rule adjustment is to “improve the flow of the game, especially towards the end of a game”. Under the previous rules, coaches could not have a referee’s whistle checked by coach’s challenge. Instead, the refs took a look at the scene independently in tight situations, which led to many interruptions.

The rule change allows the coaches to have an “out-of-bounds” call checked at any time during the game. The teams are currently entitled to one challenge per game, regardless of whether it was successful or not.



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