Judo: Vincenzo Pelligra summoned to the under 21 Europeans

At the Judo Club Koizumi Scicli, the athletes never stopped and continued to train for very specific objectives: to establish themselves at the European level.
And Vincenzo Pelligra, cat. 73 kg, he succeeded, winning an important bronze medal at the European Cup Juniores in Udine.

From Bronze to National
A truly exciting success for the Sciclitan club and for Vincenzo, born in 2003 Junior cat. 73 kg, which after so many sacrifices, renunciations and practically a life dedicated to Judo showed up at the European Cup in Udine with the intention of winning an important medal capable of repaying him for so much effort.
There are 6 matches that the Sciclitano athlete has played at full strength, losing only one and winning a bronze medal.
A success that allows him to be called up to the National Juniores to compete in the next “Junior European Judo Championships” which will take place in Luxembourg from 7 to 12 September 2021.
Vincenzo is ‘son of art’ because it is his father, Maurizio, who has brought Koizumi Scicli to a record level in Sicily and on the national scene. A company that has never given up in sports and personal training and for this creating a powerful means of expression for many young people who have given prestige to local, regional and national sport.
After the call-up for the Europeans, the club hopes that for Vincenzo, the call-up for the world championships will follow.

A very important year therefore for the Judo Club Koizumi Scicli which in the space of just two months saw two of its athletes called up to the national team for the European Judo Championships.
In fact, Savita Russo Cadet Cat. 57 Kg who won 9th place in Riga (Latvia) and Vincenzo Pelligra who promises to give his best for himself and for the entire Koizumi family.
Great satisfaction for Maestro Maurizio Pelligra who, undeterred, transfers his talent and his philosophy of commitment, sweat and seriousness to the boys who tread the tatami of his gym in Scicli which is among the most prestigious in Italy.


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