Judgment is difficult only by “experience-based club” Choosing a team taught by a baseball mom who has seen the scene | Full-Count

Baseball mom’s serialization “Reality” 1st start

Parental cooperation is indispensable for youth baseball. The deeper you are involved in the team, the more rewarding and enjoyable it is, but the greater the burden and worries. “Baseball Mom’s Reality” is a series in which “Baseball Mom” ​​who raises two sons shows parents’ worries and hints for solving problems. In the first session, a mother raising two boys taught me the “points of choosing a team” for youth baseball. There was a hint in the “experience-based club” that I had heard.


nice to meet you. My name is Rena and I am a mother who raises two boys in the metropolitan area. The eldest son played baseball until junior high school and then switched to another sport from high school. My second son is currently a junior high school student and is on the baseball team. My second son really wants to play baseball, so he plays as a so-called strong man. However, there was no selection, it was on a first-come, first-served basis.

The second son’s team has a large number of people and there is not enough space to practice, so parents will help secure the ground. The director also said from the beginning, “Be prepared because your parents have a lot more work than other teams.” He said that each player touches the ball less often, and that if he goes to another team, he can play in the game. I think there are teams that only talk about good things to get players to join, but I felt sincere that the manager first told the downside. I feel that many people are attracted to the personality of the director, and since I joined the team after being convinced of the policy, I felt like trying my best to support my children.

I’ve heard that some of the strongest teams cherish only one regular class player, and the other children run with almost no touch of the ball. The second son’s team does not have such a thing, and both good and bad children are members of the expedition and participate in practice games. Of course, there are players from the 1st army in the official game, so I think you know that you are the 1st army, the 2nd army, and the 3rd army among the children. Competition is necessary and there is no big difference in practice, so I think that the number of children who feel that it is not fun compared to other teams is overwhelmingly small.

Homes with children starting baseball may be wondering which team to choose. Also, some of you may have doubts about continuing with your current team. I will tell you that my experience may be helpful in choosing a team.

A yelling type director and a director who speaks positively … What are the results of each?



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