Hollager judo department donates to SPES VIVA Trauerland

Because of the Corona restrictions, the Christmas party of the judo department of the Blau Weiß Hollage sports club could not take place. The trainers and the board of directors therefore jointly considered how they could keep in touch even in times of contact restrictions. A side effect: A donation of 700 euros for the SPES VIVA Trauerland, which the department chairman Rainer Brune and volunteer manager Jennifer Juber have now given to Marion Gövert, head of the Trauerland.

In the time of contact restrictions and closed sports opportunities, the Christmas party of the judo department with 170 active members had to be canceled. Then the idea of ​​a Housing Olympiad came up together. Two people from the team of trainers each visited the children and young people in the department with a vehicle – on site, of course, outside and at a distance. On the one hand, gifts for the children were brought over. On the other hand, the children performed small tasks. For every push-up and every jumping jack that the children and adolescents managed to do in one minute, 10 cents were donated as a sporting incentive. “And then many parents and adults were so enthusiastic about the idea that we also received a lot of cash donations”, says Rainer Brune. “A total of 700 euros came together.” Together with the young people, it was then decided that the money would be donated to the land of mourning.

Now the Christmas donation could also be handed over personally. “Such a creative and wonderful idea, even in difficult times,” said Marion Gövert, pleased about the donation and thanked for the support. “We will invest the money in the Corona measures in the land of grief.”

Marcella Marques / Blau-Weiss Hollage
Photo: Marcella Marques


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