First winning streak for students

On the offensive, there were some notable hits again this week.

This week’s game began very promisingly, as the dreaded starting nervousness could be largely eliminated – in the first inning you could send the opponent back to the bench with just one point and then a comfortable cushion with a (in most cases maximum possible) 5 – Score innings. The hosts’ offensive was motivated to the tip of their hair and determined to make the result of the past week not look like a lucky hit, but rather like a developed incline in their own performance – a task that went remarkably well. Defensively, the game turned out to be a mixed affair: The pitching was again very solid – only one ball from the opponent found its way into the field to a clear base hit. All the more surprising if you consider the fact that the sixth different pitcher was already used – this gives hope for a deep pitching staff in the following years. On the other hand, the skylarks struggled in places to use the opposing balls to off – after errors in the field game, they were even behind with 5: 2 in the end.

The fact that this didn’t play a big role in the end is once again due to the strong offensive, which was able to present 8 hits, some of them for Ground Rule Doubles, which naturally caused the domestic dugout to break out in frenetic ecstasy. In the second half of the game, the offensive flagged noticeably on both sides, and points were no longer so easy to gain on both sides, from which the Skylarks benefited more with their comfortable lead. In particular, the strong defensive performance, not allowing any more points in the last two innings 4 and 5, testifies to increased maturity in the now not so inexperienced team, which has developed splendidly since the beginning of the season.



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