Badminton gold medalist Krishna Nagar wanted to become a cricketer

Krishna Nagar, who won the gold medal in badminton at the Tokyo Paralympic Games, initially wanted to become a cricketer, but due to his small size he later chose badminton.

Nagar said he has enjoyed playing cricket since he started out. However, later he realized that badminton can be another option to stand out. So he took his racket and started training hard.

My friends and family have supported me and it has inspired me to take new steps, he added.

His father said that Krishna’s height stopped when he was 4.2 inches due to growth hormone deficiency. However, the family was not disappointed, rather motivated him to excel.

Finally, Krishna won laurels after winning the gold medal in badminton in the short stature category.

He said: “I was looking forward to my last game of the Olympics. And I couldn’t control my emotions after winning the gold. Immediately after the match, Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated me on the phone and encouraged me, which made me so proud, ”he added.

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