USA destroys military equipment in Kabul: “We only left fire engines and forklifts in working order” – policy

Merkel expects up to 40,000 Afghan local workers willing to leave the country

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) assumes that up to 40,000 former employees of German offices in Afghanistan are waiting to leave for Germany. It’s about “10,000 to 40,000 people“that might still have to be brought to the Federal Republic, said Merkel on Tuesday in Berlin. These included former local staff and their relatives.

Your exact number has yet to be clarified: “We have to sift it now, how many want to leave the country“Merkel made a statement before a meeting with the Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) in the Chancellery, at which the focus should be on Afghanistan.”We feel obliged to the local staff“, affirmed Merkel. Efforts to save her should continue. The situation after End of the evacuation mission Western forces described it as “painful”.

The EU interior ministers will also discuss the admission of Afghan refugees on Tuesday. The aim must be “to give as many people as possible in the vicinity of their home an opportunity to receive humanitarian care there,” said Merkel. The question of whether for the Admission of Afghan refugees A quota should be set in the EU is still too early, said the Chancellor. It is not yet clear how many people will leave the country. The biggest problem at the moment is internal migration in Afghanistan itself.

According to Merkel, she is in talks with several European countries about the question, “like us, if necessary temporary stronger presence in Kabul or the region in order to be able to establish continuous dialogue with the Taliban at all. “She is talking about this with France, Great Britain, the Netherlands and Italy. But this should be in no way result in diplomatic recognition of the Taliban rulerssaid Merkel. “It’s just about having diplomats around who can talk to the Taliban.” The Taliban are currently in the process of relocating their presence from exile in Qatar to Kabul. (AFP)


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