Those of the Eagle fly unstoppable

The feathered box achieved victory over Tecla over the latter, thanks to the goal of Honduran debutant Elison Rivas. Metapán beat Limeño with Alfaro as DT

Santa Tecla was close to signing a draw, even if it is insipid but useful, at home against Águila, but Honduran Elison Rivas remembered to maintain his team’s good streak and bet on the goal in the last free kick of the match, to convert 2-3 of the glory into the start date 5 of the Apertura 2021.

If it was by getting ahead first and very quickly, the people from Miguelens made merits to take the three points, although the misty ones also reacted on time and it feels unfair to leave empty-handed. The negronaranjas smile after spinning two consecutive wins, after the one they came from achieving at home against Atlético Marte (4-1).

The game did not disappoint at the start, with two teams fully fulfilling their offensive vocation and sharing minutes of dominance in the first half. But the second, already when the forces had leveled out on the field, became much thicker and therefore neither team deserved the victory much more than the other.

Perhaps not even the feathered players imagined how quickly they would find the advantage at the start of the game. The first, at 7 minutes, occurred after a lateral free kick that Gerson Mayén crashed into the barrier, whose rebound was fished by Fabricio Alfaro and that he positioned and connected hard with his left foot next to the right post of goalkeeper Jesús Dautt, who stayed frozen in action.

If that goal could be attributed to the parakeet defense, the second goal, two minutes later, would be even more so. Águila was on top again on the left and Ventura, after unloading for a few seconds with Gerson Mayén, took a pass at ground level that, in the face of the passivity of the defenders and the loose stretch of the goalkeeper, was transformed into a soft shot that this time nestled in the second post.

However, this clash was anticipated both back and forth and even on many occasions specified by both teams, so Santa Tecla’s turn had to come. On the 27th, Eduardo Rodríguez skirted the aguilucha area, unloaded with Cristian Olivera and the “Magician” anticipated the unchecking of Roberto González, who was clearly empowered by Reinaldo Aparicio; “El Toro” fired a merciless volley and shot Martín Mejía in his bow.

Taking advantage of as much as possible the ‘shock’ of the feathered after the goal, Santa Tecla continued testing and did not release the ball for a long time, even after the break. Seven minutes after the discount, Olivera sent the center from the left, Edgardo Mira pivoted it on the far post and González caught the ball with a sweep, before it hit the ground, and put it in the goal to level the ball again. match.

The second half had a similar script, although reversed. He started dominating Tecla, resuming the inertia of the first half, and ended up with Águila. In the final stretch, in a far free kick that did not appear danger, the Honduran debutant Elison Rivas connected from the right and sank the ball to secure the second win in line for the Migueleños.

Metapán beat Limeño tonight. Photo / Courtesy Municipal Limeño.

A breath, in the new era “Mass”

Applying the adage of “a team that opens technically does not lose”, Isidro Metapán beat Municipal Limeño (1-0) last night, and breathed a little in the table (five points). The Orientals remained sunk in the basement (one).

However, the first to approach was Limeño, with a cross from Felipe Ponce to William Palacios (6 ‘). But the Colombian sent a balloon, over the jaguar goal.

The first minutes went with more possession by Metapán, although Limeño was more persistent in intention, since Ponce also tried with another shot that went without an angle.

But at 22 ‘, in an offensive play, the local had it with one that Cristian Gil missed, when a mark was taken and connected to the goal, but the ball hit the crossbar. The option of getting ahead of Metapán on the scoreboard escaped.
He kept pressing the lime box, but the opportunities came in both sectors, quite clear, but diverted. The definition was absent, despite the fact that it was generated in both teams, while the first part ended up delaying time.

But the complement the jaguar quickly took the advantage. A center from the right came out to punch the goalkeeper Gustavo Vega, but the ball was found by Cristian Aguilar, who fought it and connected with a volley with his left foot, for the 1-0 (51 ′).

It tasted like tranquility to the metapanecos. The urgency of points was clear for both sides, but Metapán continued to press, against a Limeño who was desperate, but without a proposal.
Westerners slowed down, and accommodated themselves to the result. The cuchero team tried, but it was not enough for parity.

SEE ALSO: Firpo confirms his good moment of form



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