Successful French championships at all levels for the Archers Riomois, with six medalists

The French archery championships for teams, young people and individuals have just taken place at the Parc du Cerey, under the auspices of the Riomois Archers Club. In total, more than a thousand shooters took part in the various events spread over seven days.

The French archery championships for teams, young people and individuals have just taken place at the Parc du Cerey, under the auspices of the Riomois Archers Club. In total, more than a thousand shooters took part in the various events spread over seven days.

A very popular club

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Once again, the event was perfectly managed by the 80 volunteers of the Riomois club. Beyond the logistical success, the team recorded very positive results, in particular among the young people: “With fourteen fencers, we had the strongest delegation of the French youth championship. We won four medals including a title of champion. from France junior, obtained by Alex Pomarat. This has earned us the opportunity to finish the first French archery school of the ETAF label, which we had already won three times since its creation “, rejoices Julien Megret, the president of the club.

Gold and silver for the Riomois during the French championships

This result is particularly significant of the policy led by the Archers Riomois: “We do everything to keep our shooters who, in another time, went to look elsewhere. Word of mouth brings archers to us, because they know that ‘they will find in Riom equipment and human support to match their ambitions. “

Moreover, a member of the Archers Riomois has participated in each of the last three Olympic Games with Gaël Prévost (London, 2012), Lucas Daniel (Rio, 2016) and recently Lisa Barbelin, in Tokyo. The club also has in its ranks Pierre-Julien Deloche, recent French compound champion, who is one of the best in the world. Pierre-Julien Deloche (gold) and Romain Fichet (silver) at the top of hexagonal archery

Preparation center for the 2024 Olympic Games

The Riom club is thus a past master in the art of “putting in the 10”, both at the sporting and organizational level: “At Riom, we have the structures and the know-how,” says Julien Megret. , the federation entrusted us with the organization of the ‘France’ for three years and we were also selected to be the preparation center for the 2024 Olympics. “

With this in mind, the president sees even bigger things and would like to “imagine something more festive like what the Volvic Volcanic Experience (VVX) offers around the trail”, by organizing concerts with local catering or by offering a run archery event, a discipline modeled on biathlon.

“We must make archery fun and festive by relying on the strengths of an attractive territory in more than one way.”

Julien megret
President of the Archers Riomois

A 42-year family saga at the Archers Riomois, with three generations and the same passion for archery

For now, if archery is now an institution in Riom, Julien Megret still fears a drop in the number of practitioners at the start of the school year, in particular because of uncertainties about the conditions for resumption. “Our discipline can be practiced outdoors with distance. This is a significant advantage,” he emphasizes, however. To recruit new licensees, the club is focusing its efforts in the school environment, in particular with an archery section at the Michel-de-l’Hospital college.



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