Roma: Pastore wants to leave, but …

Due to recurring injuries, midfielder Javier Pastore (32, 5 appearances in all competitions for the 2020-2021 season) has gradually exhausted all his credit within AS Roma. Now, El Flaco finds himself placed in a list of 20 unwanted players, pushed to the exit on this summer transfer window. A heartbreak for the Argentinian, who does not intend to thwart the plans of his management.

“I would like to free Roma from my salary, but during this period of Covid-19 there is no concrete offer for me. Unfortunately, I hardly ever played during the last months of last season “Even when I was in good shape. So no one could see me at work,” lamented the former Parisian during a passage on the Tiempo de Juego program.

Pastore also regrets not having been able to exchange with the new Roman coach, José Mourinho. “I didn’t have the opportunity to introduce myself either. The club decided to lend or sell us, so I only train with players who are waiting for their case be settled. We will see what will happen by the end of the transfer window. For my part, I want to stay in Europe, but I do not want to go anywhere either, “concluded the Albiceleste.

Read 9.400 times – by Alexis Goudlijian on 08/13/2021 at 11:59 am


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