Red Devils bleached and takes the advantage in the series vs Tigres

For the wedge to tighten it has to be of the same suit and the former feline, Luis Iván Rodríguez, threw a recital against the Tigers in Yucatán while Japhet Amador hit two home runs and produced four runs and with a final score of 9-0, Mexico put the series 2-1 in their favor.

Red Devils bleached and takes the advantage in the series vs Tigres

© Editorial Septima Entrada
Red Devils whitewashed and takes the advantage in the series vs Tigres

Luis Iván (1-0) took the decision with the ball of two hits without a run in seven innings of labor, in which he struck out four and kept his PCL at 0.00; For his part, Wilfredo Boscan (0-1 4.15) took the loss, they connected 11 hits, scored 4 runs and struck out 3 men.

And while Rodríguez had the feline timbers totally dominated, the scarlet offensive awoke. In the third they broke the zero with a groove inside the Yangervis Solarte box that Jesús Fabela took advantage of to reach the plate from third base, while in the fourth roll came an attack of three lines with annotations from Julián León, Julián Ornelas and Carlos Figueroa, and so the board went 4-0 in his favor.

In the sixth Japhet Amador hit his first home run of the postseason and he took Juan Carlos “Haper” Gamboa ahead, to make it 6-0 and by the same route Emmanuel Ávila put the seventh red line before the shots of the former pingo Carlos A. de León.

Amador hit his second two-run homer of the night, this time off Brayan Muñoz’s shots, to extend the scarlet 9-0 lead in the eighth roll.

Yapson Gómez had a two-episode relief without damage to complete the shutout against the Tigers. This Wednesday the fourth of the commitment of the War of Wars will be played in the Kukulcán Park and the scheduled pitching match is Arturo López (0-0 0.00) for the pingos, while for the Bengalis Terrance Martin (0-0 0.00) will go up to the hill. Seventh Inning


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