Ramos and Messi, from eternal rivals in El Clásico to teammates at PSG

S. D.

Updated:10/08/2021 15:42h


In a few months, the Lliga has lost two of its reference links in the last 15 years. Both the former Real Madrid captain, Sergio Ramos, like that of Barcelona, Lionel Messi, have abandoned the national competition to land on the almighty financier Paris Saint Germain. Thus, two sporting enemies, two rivals who experienced the intensity of hundreds of classics on the opposite side, will be partners in the French team. A totally unthinkable situation a few weeks ago.

The club financed by the State of Qatar, will be the Argentine’s first professional experience outside of Barcelona after 21 years in the most successful club in Barcelona. Despite the enormous change that his farewell to the institution that rescued him from Rosario when he was a child supposes, in the Frankish capital he will meet old friends of the national team such as Leandro Paredes and the ex-madridista Angel di Maria, players who will cushion their imminent arrival.

However, the most anticipated reunion will be with Neymar. Both stars have a beautiful relationship since the Brazilian’s Can Barça stage, when together with Luis Suárez they formed one of the most prolific attacks in football history. In fact, together they raised the last Champions League of the Barcelona club, that of 2015 against Juventus.

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