[Micro Video]Gold Medal in the U.S. Super League China, is the CCP’s nationwide pursuit of gold value? | Olympic gold medals | American athletes | Tokyo Olympics

[EpochTimesNewsonAugust92021]Hello, everyone, this is Zhao Pei.

On July 26, 2021, last Monday, we said on our micro-video that the monopoly of China’s Olympic Games’ dominant sports in table tennis and badminton men’s singles was accidentally broken. One. These people, if you talk to them about the CCP’s project monopoly being broken, they will tell you that China has won the gold medal. This kind of people is unhappy and has to praise the CCP for stepping on others.

Won, be blown to heaven, lose, faceless to see people?

On August 8, the last day of the Olympic Games, the US women’s volleyball team defeated the Brazilian women’s volleyball team 3-0 to win the gold medal. The United States surpassed China with 39 gold medals in the gold medal rankings, becoming the first place in the Tokyo Olympics. These people who brag about the CCP’s first gold medal are unhappy again, because there is no reason to step on others, and their self-esteem collapsed. Why is this?

As we said in the previous program, the modern Olympics were originally a happy gathering of amateur players. Socialism, with political motives, insisted on using professional players to bully free amateur players. This made the Olympic Games that were originally designed to compete with sports lose their joy.

Look at the Chinese Communist Party’s emphasis on national honors in the Olympic events. The only eyes are on the gold medal results, and you can’t enjoy the happiness of competitive sports. Instead, they have a fire of hatred for the country and family hatred. It is also anti-Japanese, and super beautiful, living alive. too tired.

Under the influence of this kind of party culture, Chinese players won and were blown to the sky, but lost face and no joy. In contrast, if you look at the players from other countries, you are not fighting for the collective or the country, or participating in a simple game, and they are much happier.

U.S. players retreat from the CCP’s media thinking

On July 27th, in the second round of the women’s gymnastics team finals, American gymnastics queen Simon Byers retired because of unsatisfactory results. After the game, she said, “The pressure is too great” and “Retirement is’strong’. reflect”.

Simon retired when he felt unhappy at the Tokyo Olympics. There is no need to fight to the last drop of blood for the country. This is normal. Everyone is concerned about the mental health of athletes in the epidemic. This is all normal and normal.

However, this incident caused the Chinese Communist Party’s media thinking to be confused, saying that this person did not have a sense of collective honor or patriotism, and even the Global Times said that the withdrawal was due to a problem with the American system. This is the evil thinking of the party culture.

The reason is very simple. If a system requires athletes to fight for their lives for the country and collectively and cannot retire, this system is a killing system, so don’t worry.

The CCP system kidnapped Chinese people to contribute to it

The CCP forces the people to fight and sacrifice for the country. This is a feature of socialist culture, not the category of traditional Chinese culture. Traditional Chinese culture also says, “The beauty of adults”, “Do not do to others what you don’t want to do” and so on. It’s all about thinking about others. The CCP is on the contrary. It forces the people to blow up bunkers for it and protect its property with their personal lives.

The CCP is using organizations and systems to kidnap Chinese people to contribute to it, or even do evil. People with this kind of thinking can hardly understand the traditional Chinese voluntary principles. For example, Falun Gong has no organization in China, no roster, and no strictness. The organizational structure of the People’s Republic of China, come and learn if you want to learn, and leave if you want to leave. No one is stopping, but hundreds of millions of people come to learn Falun Gong.

This is incomprehensible in the eyes of the Communist Party and Jiang Zemin. They believe that everyone in the world is as bad as it is, so Jiang Zemin must launch a political campaign to eliminate Falun Gong. To their surprise, Falun Gong is still standing until today, more than two decades later. The Chinese people rely on the power of faith, the power of willingness, and the power of good to defeat the powerful political movement of the CCP from the heart.

After the fall of the CCP in the future, no one will force the Chinese to make sacrifices for the country. Sports will be full of happiness. We will cheer for the Chinese. We will enjoy the real joy of sports instead of collective honor. However, to get out of the CCP culture from the heart can start from today, start by abandoning the Communist Party, and find our joy back.

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