Medal – Information

Before the metamorphosis, for lack of means, black and white national successes were limited to people who, because of their talent, would have reached golf stars still training with a club and a couple of boulders. But of those, only a few emerge from generation to generation.

With the endowment of economic resources and efficient management, along with discipline, practice and competition, talent goes from being a divine gift to a well-trained quality. And in the case of managing the employability of seniors, the successes achieved by Spain are directly proportional to the results obtained in the last Eurovision competitions. But the problem is that to the lack of means and political and business intentions to value experience with job opportunities, we also add the harmful culture that the success of some must be the obligatory success of all and that, therefore, if buy my 9 year old son a racket and a badminton pen and put him to train daily against the living room wall, a new star should be born in the style Carolina Marín.

The solution to job discrimination based on age does not go through entrepreneurship, nor assuming the blame for not becoming as obscenely rich and successful as Amancio Ortega.

Although currently, many companies choose to hire young personnel, and these professionals over 45 years of age do not find opportunities to reengage in the labor market, despite having training, experience, years of professional career ahead, despite being fully their capabilities. Well, this form of discrimination is known as working ageism (from English ageism). The Eurobarometer on discrimination in the European Union revealed that the majority of discrimination when hiring is due to advanced age, appearance of the candidate and disability.

However, our population inevitably ages, and it should make us reflect from the human point of view as well as from the economic and social point of view. To write off workers over 45 is nonsense. On the one hand, because they are still young and capable people, with experience and a long professional career, who still have many years to go before they reach retirement age. Professionals trained to add value, experience and talent and maintain a productive life. They can and should work and receive a salary. Condemning them to chronic unemployment and poverty does not make sense. On the other hand, writing off a professional at 45 is crazy. There is no welfare state or pension system that supports that. We lack contributors to support pensions, we lack taxpayers who contribute to the public coffers with their taxes, and by excluding them from employment we lose contributors, taxpayers, and increase the burden on the State in the form of unemployment benefits and subsidies.

The aging of the population typical of modern societies makes it even more essential to have senior professionals. We need talent and experience, the contributions of value that they can make, and also contributors and taxpayers to sustain today’s pensions and to generate rights avoiding current and future situations of poverty and exclusion.

I certainly believe that starting to appear at the top of the medal table begins with having those competent professionals, trainers with many hours of flight and a good route plan or legislation.

Our societies should not allow themselves to do without the talent of an entire generation of professionals who still have much to contribute. Mixed teams of workers of various age groups can gain in wealth and versatility. Some bring experience and trajectory, perspective and “tables”, while others bring fresh and new points of view. Together they can add value to companies and society.

And what to say that, some of us already mature, we do not want medals, we are satisfied with being allowed to participate in the game.



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