Locatelli to Juve, it’s done: the announcement is awaited

Juve and Dybala at a distance. The goal is still far away, the third meeting in a week between the parties for the renewal of Joya’s contract has not given progress and therefore everything has been postponed to the end of the month, at the close of the market, when another round will be staged. The fourth, the decisive one? Perhaps, given that both the Juventus club and the Argentine entourage continue to filter optimism and confidence. In short, it takes time to get to the handshake, despite the good intentions that tell how Juve intends to continue to focus on number 10 and how Paulo wants to bind himself “for life” to society.

OPEN CARDS – Yesterday it was time to discover the cards in two hours of discussion between the Juventus management, represented by the managing director, Maurizio Arrivabene, and by the director of the technical area, Federico Cherubini, and the player’s representatives, agent Jorge Antùn and the sponsorship manager, Carlos Novel. Juve, as expected, has restarted from the offer at the end of 2020, the one that had fallen on deaf ears: a total of ten million a year, guaranteed by a fixed part of eight million plus bonuses, and a four-year horizon for the new contract. , until 2025. Diez’s entourage has presented a counter-proposal, with a starting base of ten million, to which the bonuses to probably rise to twelve million must be added, and a longer time as regards the contractual relationship. Renewal of five years, one more, and then until 2026. The point of fall has not yet been found, there is still work to be done and this distance that has clearly manifested itself needs to be reduced. So Juve and Dybala have decided to update themselves.

LOCATELLI – Appointment later this month, therefore, for the truth about Joya. Appointment very shortly, however, to unlock the soap opera Locatelli. After the fourth meeting on Friday, Juve and Sassuolo met immediately after August to close the deal and therefore tomorrow could be the right day. One fundamental step is still missing to reach the finish line: complete agreement on the transfer formula and in particular on the obligation to redeem. This is the last knot to be resolved, the last question left to be resolved. The agreement on the price, in fact, was found at thirty-five million, including bonuses. Just as the step forward made by the bianconeri towards the neroverde club on the duration of the loan, the duration of which has been reduced from two years to one year, has made the confrontation progress and bring us closer to a positive conclusion. There is still one question to settle: the obligation to redeem, which Juve would like to be conditioned upon reaching qualification in the Champions League while Sassuolo intends to have ensured at the start, without conditions. Nothing insurmountable, of course. There is mutual trust so that we can quickly get to the toast. Locatelli to Juve, here we are.


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