Inter : Lukaku, Inzaghi a aim sa sincrit

the 20/08/2021 22h35

During this summer transfer window, Inter Milan sold striker Romelu Lukaku (28) Chelsea for 115 million euros. Present at a press conference this Friday, the coach of the reigning Italian champion Simone Inzaghi returned to the departure of the Belgian international, whose behavior was appreciated by the Italian technician.

“Romelu’s departure was unexpected. His sale was not planned. We tried to convince him to stay. He is a very popular boy and Chelsea spent a fortune because he is an extraordinary player. He had made his mark. choice, he came to see me, very respectful, he is a boy with principles. He told me that joining Chelsea was his dream, that his choice was made, “said the Inter coach.

(By Damien Da Silva)


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