Eva Moral increases the triathlon loot with a bronze

Laura Marta

Special Envoy to Tokyo

Updated:08/29/2021 04:59h


Exhausted, but with an extraordinary smile. Like the one that accompanies her in all the moments of her life. Eva Moral Thus he reached the finish line in the Odaiba Maritime Park, with a bronze in his first participation in the Games.

Always on the podium, the Madrilenian fought at the end, with the athletics bike, to secure the fourth medal for Spain in triathlon competitions, after the gold of Susana Rodríguez, the silver of Héctor Catalá and the bronze of Álex Sánchez Palomero on the day of Saturday.

A few seconds after crossing the finish line, the hug with his partner and ‘handler’ (assistant in transitions), Ángel Salamanca. They both already have two great memories of Japan; the first, the marriage request that was given at the Yokohama World Series in 2019; the second, this bronze fought and persecuted, already at the neck of the Madrilenian. «Now very happy and happy, but everything has happened to me in the race. Swimming we have deviated a lot, I could not see the buoy back. But I came out well, behind the Dutchwoman who knew that I could get a bit better in the water, but on the bike I am a little stronger. In the third round My chain has come off, I had to stop, my foot has come off. There has been a moment of confusion and I thought I was lost. But I have remembered the words of my ‘handler’, Ángel: ‘do not give the race lost at any time, or won because it is long’. Yesterday there were many explosions. I’ve had a cold mind, “he began.

Until he got here, Moral already thought that by being in Tokyo he had fulfilled a dream, debuting in the Paralympic Games. But, already in the Odaiba Maritime Park, the ambition was stronger: «You look strong, you get a good training, Ángel trusts me much more, because you start to think about it. ‘What if’, ‘what if’, but you are afraid to verbalize it in case he gets glasses. I have a lot to cry about because I don’t know if I still believe it ».

«I don’t remember the last two turns of the chair. Your brain goes around a thousand times. When I passed the finish line, I just cried and thought about my family. It’s brutal, “he said of his toughest test due to nerves. «I always think that I don’t want to let anyone down. I’m not going to do it because I do a lot every day, but I’m very stubborn. And that people are staying up late to see me and cannot be explained in words, “he recalled.

After the three medals yesterday, Moral went with some advice from his roommates, Héctor Catalá, silver, and Álex Sánchez Palomero, bronze. “They told me to have a head because it was going to be a very tough race, that in the third sector many people were not going to be able to continue due to the hot conditions. I hope to arrive later and have a party, although I do not know if I will have the strength», Announced as celebrations of a group of athletes who have triumphed in Tokyo, podiums in almost all events.

She couldn’t contain the excitement at the end, remembering where she came from and who is in the situation she went through eight years ago. «I want to thank everyone who has written to me. I put down my cell phone because it excited me. People from the Toledo hospital who helped me so much, because it wasn’t that long since I had the accident and now see me here. Today is a little for all those who are having a little bad time, who think that life is ending. No life is great».

Eight years ago, an athlete now as before, in a mountain race he fell down a ravine, without knowing how or where he would land. Fell with his back, and immediately felt that he would not walk again. He thought how badly his family would take it. And whether they would find her or would she stay there alone.

But they did find her and took her to the Toledo Hospital, where she started a race to be her again and the triathlon competition, now in a chair and handbike. From that September to this August, Eva Moral was radiant in her first participation in the Games, bronze and fifteenth medal for Spain in Tokyo.

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