Devin Booker played the NBA Finals on one leg!

During the NBA Finals, Devin Booker has not escaped criticism. With the backhand of the Phoenix Suns against the Milwaukee Bucks (2-4), the back has been singled out for his individual performances. In particular with his performance of only 10 points in Game 3.

Except that his trainer Monty Williams has just realized a confidence: the young talent of 24 years was playing on one leg! For this meeting, the native of Grand Rapids was suffering with hamstring problems.

“People didn’t know Book had to deal with hamstring pain in Game 3. And he got criticism for what he couldn’t do. What people didn’t understand was that he was playing on one leg.

These guys are never going to say anything. Because they are tough and never want to rely on excuses. This part bothered me because I heard all the things that were said about Devin and Chris (Paul) on the Finals, ”said Williams for ESPN.

Helped by the Suns medical staff, Devin Booker raised his head. With in particular 42 and 40 points on the following matches. But like Chris Paul, so he gritted his teeth to play his first NBA Finals.

Devin Booker refuses comparison with Kobe Bryant


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