College football: McGill needs to be taken seriously

It’s now been almost 20 years since the Redbirds have beaten Laval University on the field with the last victory of the Montreal team which dates back to October 27, 2001. Even if the situation did not change with the game of he opening of the 2021 season, head coach Ronald Hilaire was very satisfied with the effort of his troop.

• Read also: Football’s triumphant return to Quebec

“I think we showed with this game that we want to compete at a different level this season. We will be in the games in the fourth quarter against any formation. We were a hair’s breadth away from coming out with the win today, we only have to execute to finish. ”

Costly absence

The Redbirds have shown everyone their defense will be strong this year. The Montreal driver was happy with the performance of his experienced group after conceding only a placement to the Rouge et Or in the first half.

“We were solid for the vast majority of the game, although we had a certain absence in the third quarter. We have to give credit to Laval, who surprised us with a quick tempo coming out of the half. There was the long race that hurt, it was just a mistake on our part. ”

The training rebounded thereafter to the great pleasure of its trainer.

“Everyone remained calm. There was no panic on the bench. I really liked how we got back into the game afterwards. ”

Explosive recruit

It is not only the Rouge et Or who have an exceptional rookie receiver. Darius Simmons gave the Red & Gold tertiary a blast. The Islanders product of John Abbott ended the game with seven catches for 139 yards.

“I am a 50-50 mister. If there is a disputed ball, I will go get it. I keep telling our hubs. I am still satisfied with my match even if there are small things to correct ”,

The dynamic receiver was also very happy to see the crowd again and to be able to play his first varsity game.

“There were a lot of sacrifices and the 18 month break was very long. It was by far the best day for a month. It feels really good.”

Simmons ended the interview with a comment that will make many RSEQ fans react when asked if this is the kind of performance to expect from McGill against a circuit powerhouse like Laval.

“McGill is the power this year. That’s all I’m going to say about it. “


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