ATP – WTA> Pat Cash opposed to vaccination of players: “I don’t want healthy young athletes taking something for no reason that could harm them in the long term”

While his country, Australia, practices a very restrictive policy for its inhabitants vis-à-vis the Covid-19 with many lockdowns and curfews, Pat Cash, who also regrets that “His compatriots are trapped in their own country”, spoke out against a vaccination for tennis players.

“I don’t want a politician or a TV doctor who gets paid by them telling me what to do or not to do with my health, okay? You don’t want to say to a player, ‘Look, don’t get the shot because you could become paralyzed. Should I get vaccinated? I do not know. I will make that decision later. But for now, no, I don’t need it. I am healthy “, he said before deciding on the vaccination of athletes. “I don’t want healthy young athletes taking something for no reason that could harm them in the long run. We just don’t know. Can’t we wait a year or two until all the information is available? And make a decision then. This is my position. Let’s wait and see what happens. “


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