Basketball (F): the USA in gold for the sixth consecutive time

Great favorites to their own succession, the Americans have logically dominated Japan to win a new gold medal. This is the seventh consecutive title for the USA, the ninth since 1984.

Americans quickly in the lead

The USA were expected in this meeting, and the players of Dawn Staley very quickly made their status respected. Faced with the Japanese fearful of the issue and the pressure, the Americans take the lead with an eight-point lead in just a few minutes (10-2 USA). Japan plays with a bowling ball, like a few layups open missed, and suffered in particular against a player: Britney Griner. Taller than the others, the Mercury player from Phoenix dominates her subject, both in defense where she dissuades inside and in attack where she creates easy opportunities. Japan ended up reviving and regaining success at the end of the first quarter, benefiting in particular from an award-winning shot from its captain Maki Takada, but still point to nine lengths after ten minutes of play (23-14 USA ).

The second quarter will be in the same vein, with dominant Americans and an imperial Britney Griner. Author of 18 points in the first period, the American interior is hurting the Japanese who have no real solution to counter it. Nevertheless, the partners of Nako Motohashi, 11 points in the first half, somehow hold up the shock and even come back to two possessions (38-32 USA). However, this reconciliation will be short-lived. Still relying on Griner but also on Breanna Stewart, the United States passed a 12-4 in Japan to take off again in the meeting. A Japanese 3 point will close the gap to -11 before the break (50-39 USA), but the Americans seem to be heading straight for another gold medal.

Team USA takes place

Back from the locker room, Japan wants to give themselves reasons to believe in it but the American selection does not give any gifts. The Japanese lack skill from afar while the Americans are successful almost everywhere, increasing their lead to +17. Above athletically and in the game, the USA achieve a serious match and respect their game plan to already take shelter. Japan shows good intentions but does not take advantage of the few opportunities that the Land of the Rising Sun obtains, missing out on layups by attacking the basket or seeing the success flee on their shots. The Japanese defense are doing their best to hold on but Team USA rolls out, exceeding the twenty-four point lead with three more minutes to go in the third quarter. Valorous, the Japanese hang on and try to close the gap, but the Americans are serious and enter the last quarter with a comfortable lead (73-55 USA).

This last quarter will not change the face of the meeting, the USA respecting their opponents until the end and continuing to increase their lead as the minutes tick away. Japan does not give up but starts far too far to hope to achieve the feat, largely dominated in the racket like its pivot Maki Takada (17 pts), skillful at 3 points but without rebound at the end of the encounter. Final score 90-75 in favor of the USA, which logically wins in this final. Japan contented with silver medal, France completing the podium after their great victory against Serbia yesterday morning. Note that this new gold medal offers experienced Sue Bird (40) and Diana Taurasi (39) their fifth Olympic title after those obtained in 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016.

New gold medal for the USA, achieving the double after the men’s victory last night, more than ever the best nation in the world in women’s basketball. Japan won the first medal in its history in this discipline, already a great satisfaction for the host nation.

Image on top credit: Reuters / Brian Snyder


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