Recovering the ‘swing’ of the golf tourist

Golf pilgrims | The RFEG and all the autonomous federations have launched Route 365, an initiative that seeks to promote golf tourism in Spain and which, inspired by the Camino de Santiago, has designed eight routes that run through 194 courses: the La Mancha, the Balearic, the Mediterranean , the Ruta del Sol in Andalusia -the widest with up to 53 fields-, the green one in Pas Vasco and Aragn, the Cantabrian route, the Castilla route and the Canarian route. In each one, it proposes courses, hotels and restaurants. In addition, the ‘pilgrims’ will have access to discounts, raffles, tournaments and prizes to which they have obtained the most stamps.

The turnover of the Spanish fields fell 42%, with an impact of 5,563 million euros in the country.

This weekend, the 149th edition of the Open Championship is decided at the Royal St. Georges Club, in which up to five Spaniards have participated: Sergio Garca, Jon Rahm, Gonzalo Fernndez Castao, Rafa Cabrera Bello and Jorge Campillo. Garca arrive,

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