Alfredo Morelos wants to leave Rangers for Porto | Colombians Abroad

Alfredo Morelos is one of the Colombians with projection in European football. His power on the attack front is his letter of introduction, in addition to the fight on the attack front to collaborate with the development of team play. Since he is in Scotland, he has also stood out, his mischief draws the attention of the greats, because individually, he breaks schemes. However, there is a break with Rangers and the Colombian.

In recent days, there was talk of Porto’s offer for the Colombian. Despite this, the Scots rejected it outright, denying the chance of exit. According to information from A Bola, Morelos would stand on his departure, yes or yes, from Rangers. The economic amount placed was 12 million euros, with a percentage in the future sale. But, the claims of the teddy bears are 15 million.

In addition, the same media affirms that Alfredo Morelos was in contact with the Colombians of Porto, to ask them about the club and the city itself. The attacker’s decision is to leave Scotland, to be able to exploit new options and improve his level, by the way, to be closer to the radar of the Colombian National Team.



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